The fragmentation of everything

About 335 million years ago, all the major land masses on earth were combined into a single supercontinent we call Pangaea.1 Then 200 million years ago, they began to break up and drift apart. When humans arrived, they further subdivided the continents into kingdoms, principalities, and tribes. The modern age is one of great ideological […]

Spirituality and religious connection

#TaxTheChurches was trending on Twitter recently. Most of the comments were not balanced assessments of how church donations and government programs influence the world. They were more like what you would expect during an evening of troll karaoke: mockery, anger, and ugliness. Much of this resentment comes from an understandable place. When I hear about […]

A fantasy story hidden in the Bible’s Book of Revelation

I told a dramatized version of the Bible’s Book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse of John) during a large family gathering in Mexico. Children sat on the carpet, adults on the couches and teenagers on the windowsills and floor around me. It can be difficult to make some parts of the scriptures come alive. […]

Should I live for today or for heaven?

I cringe when I hear people say that Christians never truly embrace life and only endure it. They say believers care too much for the hereafter to bother with the here and now. Friedrich Nietzche once wrote that “Christianity was from the beginning life’s nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed […]